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Loans Loans

Bridge Loan

A bridge loan is a short-term loan that is typically used to “bridge the gap” between the purchase of a property and the sale, refinancing, or permanent financing of that property.

It is a type of financing that is commonly used in real estate transactions to provide quick and flexible funding to real estate investors and developers.

At Syzygy Lending, we understand that real estate transactions can be complex and time-sensitive, and we are committed to providing our clients with quick and efficient funding solutions to help them close their deals faster.

Our bridge
loan program is
available for a wide
range of real estate
projects, including:

✓ Commercial Properties
✓ Residential Properties
✓ Construction Projects

Whether you are looking to acquire a new property, refinance an existing property, or fund a construction project, our bridge loans can provide you with the capital you need to achieve your investment goals.

At Syzygy Lending,
we are committed to providing
our clients with the best possible
lending experience,

and we are proud to offer our bridge
loan program to help them bridge the gap between their current and future financing needs. Contact us today to learn more about our loan options and to get started on your next real estate investment project.